Monday, September 21, 2009

Kwame Nkrumah is 100 today - and still speaks - listen to him

Pictures of Nkrumah and ALI and Louis Armstrong

Kwame Nkrumah one of the founding fathers of Ghana's independence and the liberation of Africa from colonialism would have been a hundred years today. To commemorate the occasion I decided against writing about how great this man was, the good he did or the mistakes he made.

I decide to let the words come out of his own mouth.
I have added a link to a speech Kwame Nrumah made to African Freedom fighters in Accra during the pre independence period.
Download Kwame Nkrumah Speech here:
Part 1
Part 2

The truth is that the words spoken on that faithful day are still more than apt today with regards to africans in Africa and Africans, Africa -Americans, Black 'British' and Caribbean people who still live with varying forms of imperialism today in different masks - POVERTY, LAZINESS, MEDIA SUBJUGATION,DIVIDE AND RULE,AFRICA vrs CARIBBEAN,BLACK VRS MIXED RACE,GUN CRIME, SO CALLED BLACK ON BLACK VIOLENCE, HIP HOP CULTURE(GANGSTERISM) the list goes on.

I hope you enjoy his speech and take something form it if all African/ Black leaders around the world had the foresight of Kwame Nkrumah then maybe we still will no be relying on him a many years on for INSPIRATION.